Sunday, April 10, 2011

I have a blog, thats right...

I forgot that I started this.  I have a tendency to do that- begin something that I think I'll like, and then just forget that I was interested.  Exhibit A- my garden.  I live on the third floor of our building and have a great deck out front.  Our first year in our new home, I insisted that we get a few pots so that I could plant a garden.  It was really beautiful- I loved leaving our curtains open so that I could see the flowers when we were in our living room.  That is, of course, until I killed them all.  I just never watered them.  I forgot.

I forget a lot of things.  At work, a few people (especially my wonderful assistant) always make fun of me because i forget EVERYTHING.  It only takes a few seconds- someone will ask me to bring them something, and as soon as I leave the room I forget my main objective and go on doing something completely different than what I was going to do.  When it comes to important things, I need to write it down, or else it doesn't get done.

It's like I only use half my brain sometimes. I lose everything that isn't attached to me.  My father's favorite quote, I'm convinced, is "Tiffany, open your eyes and pay attention". (As I typed that, I can literally hear his voice and see his face, full of frustration with me).  I've always had this little "problem".  Luckily, I've married a man who has more patience than any person I've ever met, and who has only been married to me long enough to think that my forgetfulness is charming.  I would be lost without him- and I certainly wouldn't ever be able to find my car key!

I need to really start becoming more aware of what is going on around me.  I feel like this problem is a catalyst for my lack of commitment to myself.  I able to shrug off my lack of motivation and blame it on my forgetfulness.  Yes- I am forgetful, and I probably always will be.  But, it's not an excuse for "forgetting" that I am on a diet and not eating properly.  It's not an excuse for "forgetting" that I didn't hit the snooze button so that I could get some exercise in before my day starts.  I need to take full control over myself.  It's okay for me that I am a disaster, but its not okay with me that I am unhealthy.  I have been doing well since my last post- unfortunately, I haven't lost any weight, but I am more active.  Not necessarily physically active, but active nonetheless.  I've started a book club, I'm taking cake lessons, Rich and i completed an 8 week Ballroom Dancing class.  I'm living and loving my life, and I'm done with letting my weight stop me from realizing my dreams.  And my dreams aren't something that I can easily forget.